Fantasy Football Premier League 2023-2024

A Fantasy Football for your office?

Do you want an exclusive Fantasy Football for your company? That's possible! With a office fantasy you can make your pool as exclusive as you want. Add the colors and logo of your company, invite your colleagues and let them predict. To make things more fun, let teams and departments compete against each other for eternal fame! »


Sun 19-5, 15:00 ARS EVE 2 - 1
Sun 19-5, 15:00 BRE NEW 2 - 4
Sun 19-5, 15:00 BHA MUN 0 - 2
Sun 19-5, 15:00 BUR NFO 1 - 2
Sun 19-5, 15:00 CHE BOU 2 - 1
Sun 19-5, 15:00 CRY AVL 5 - 0
Sun 19-5, 15:00 LIV WOL 2 - 0
Sun 19-5, 15:00 LUT FUL 2 - 4
Sun 19-5, 15:00 MCI WHU 3 - 1
Sun 19-5, 15:00 SHU TOT 0 - 3

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Ranking / Individual

1 The 2-1 Strategy 14781
2 David 14427
3 Hajduk B 13887
4 mrvn254 13710
5 Mythos1904 13326
6 Jabakwad FC 13167
7 Edthehead 13053
8 RICHIE 13041
9 CaxtonMike 13014
10 gingereagle1969 11925

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Ranking / Best league

1 Siamo fuori di testa 6504.50
2 BBL (Brazilian Butt Lift) 1786.00
3 Brenninkmeyer EPL Predictor Pool 1632.00
5 Abby Boys
6 AndTechManagers
7 Anil
8 Brenninkmeyer EPL
9 Brenninkmeyer EPL Predictor
10 Carson euro

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