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Tue 01 Apr |
18:45 |
Wolverhampton Wanderers
18:45 |
Nottingham Forest
19:00 |
Fantasy Football Premier League 2024-2025
25-03 | The most shocking transfers in Premier League history | Read » |
03-03 | The history of the Premier League: Its biggest moments | Read » |
09-02 | The evolution of Manchester United and Liverpool's rivalry | Read » |
26-01 | How to play and enjoy Fantasy Football with friends | Read » |
04-01 | Exploring the history of the Premier League | Read » |

A Fantasy Football for your office?
Do you want an exclusive Fantasy Football for your company? That's possible! With a office fantasy you can make your pool as exclusive as you want. Add the colors and logo of your company, invite your colleagues and let them predict. To make things more fun, let teams and departments compete against each other for eternal fame!
Officefantasy.co.uk »Matches
Tue 01-4, 18:45 |
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Tue 01-4, 18:45 |
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Tue 01-4, 19:00 |
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Wed 02-4, 18:45 |
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Wed 02-4, 18:45 |
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Wed 02-4, 18:45 |
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Wed 02-4, 18:45 |
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Wed 02-4, 18:45 |
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Wed 02-4, 19:00 |
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Thu 03-4, 19:00 |
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Ranking / Individual
1 | william815 | 10830 |
2 | Totigol | 10689 |
3 | Juan Manuel | 10368 |
4 | Legges Eleven | 10341 |
5 | Popociolfi | 10281 |
6 | Sander Q | 10212 |
7 | Fiesta Time | 9819 |
8 | Mingo | 9813 |
9 | Tata | 9813 |
10 | PeterM | 9717 |